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Story of Mine

Assalamualaikum & hi guys. I've something to share.

Haih firstly bout my midyear result. I think this is the WORSE result lah. Addmath, Mathematics, Physics, Account I got G. Whats wrong with you Farah. Haih.
I cant imagine reaction mama & abah if they knew bout my result. Ya Allah. Should I tell em' bout this ? Ali the racoon Emoticons 34 At the end mesti mama & abah dapat tahu juga kan. Haih so get ready jela nanti. Huwaaaaaaaaa takutnya! Seriously next exam kena struggle sikit. Next year dah nak SPM. Haih why did I feel like baru nak masuk sekolah menengah. Lol. Banyak sgt main. Farah farah stop it lah. Focus on your study. Make your mom & dad proud of you.

Okay stop cerita bout RESULT. Cerita bout friends pula.
Em kalau nama SAHABAT tu mesti lah selalu support your friend kan? Kenapa perlu CURSE kat belakang? Hm Friend should ada bila susah or senang. Bukannya ada bila senang je then compare kawan tu dgn siapa dia sebelum ni. As friend you should SUPPORT bukan down kan your friend.
Em why did I lose my Bestfriend Ali the racoon Emoticons 48Gonna miss our friendship. Almost dekat 10years kita kawan and finally jadi macam ni. Haih. Its okay you're still my friend even bukan lagi bestfriend.

Last strory. Lama tak contact Encik __ Haha busy dgn bakal zaujah kot. Em okay. You're just my dream. I cant possibly get you. Im not worthy for you. Haih.

Can I go somewhere that I can forget bout the people that I love?! Haih habis SPM lari pi Afrika lah. Kahwin dgn Drogba ke, Ramires ke en. Huahuahua. Crazy Farah is Crazy Ali the racoon Emoticons 46   Dapat tgk Chelsea kat Stamford Bridge live en Free lagi. Kahkahkah.

Hmmm so see ya next time. Goodbye. Assalamualaikum